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Inglés B1 (2ª Parte)

Número de horas: 150

Este curso necesita un tiempo aproximado de una semana para su activación en la plataforma. Consulte con el departamento de materiales para fijar la fecha de inicio.

Capacitar al alumnado para utilizar el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad, receptiva y productivamente, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, así como para comprender y producir textos en una variedad de lengua estándar, con estructuras habituales y un repertorio léxico común no muy idiomático, y que versen sobre temas generales, cotidianos o de interés personal.

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SKU: CONH17B01C02 Categorías: ,


1. It's going to rain!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Weather
4. Grammar
 4.1. Future with going to
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Email to a friend
7. Speaking
 7.1. /d3/ /tS/
8. Key ideasUnit
2. Sales!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Shopping
4. Grammar
 4.1. Will future + going to + present continuous
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Argumentative essay
7. Speaking
 7.1. /a:/ /ae/
8. Key ideasUnit
3. What if…?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Education and languages
4. Grammar
 4.1. Conditional
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Formal letter
7. Speaking
 7.1. /o:/ /o/
8. Key ideasUnit
4. At the restaurant
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Food and drinks
4. Grammar
 4.1. Modals: ability & possibility
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Informal email: invitation
7. Speaking
 7.1. /j/
8. Key ideasUnit
5. Do's and don'ts
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Work and jobs
4. Grammar
 4.1. Modals: obligation & prohibition
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Formal letter to find a job
7. Speaking
 7.1. schwa
8. Key ideasUnit
6. My hometown
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Places in town
4. Grammar
 4.1. Modals: deduction
 4.2. Prepositions of place
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Informal letter
7. Speaking
 7.1. /r/
8. Key ideasUnit
7. My favourite series
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Films and cinema
4. Grammar
 4.1. Passives
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Review about a film
7. Speaking
 7.1. /m/ /n/ /ng/
8. Key ideasUnit
8. Sick and tired
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Health
4. Grammar
 4.1. Relatives
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Discursive essay about health problems in our society
7. Speaking
 7.1. /dipthongs/
8. Key ideasUnit
9. Wanted!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Crime
4. Grammar
 4.1. Reported Speech
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Formal letter: A crime you were told
7. Speaking
 7.1. /u/ /u:/
8. Key ideasUnit
10. Eco-friendly
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. The Environment
4. Grammar
 4.1. Verb patterns (+ing/BF/to-inf)
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Article: how to help the environment
7. Speaking
 7.1. /e/ /3:/
8. Key ideas.