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Número de horas: 60


Utilizar el idioma de forma sencilla pero adecuada y eficaz, siendo capaz de comprender, expresarse e interactuar, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, en situaciones cotidianas, que requieran comprender y producir textos breves, en diversos registros y en lengua estándar, que versen sobre aspectos básicos concretos de temas generales y que contengan expresiones, estructuras y léxico de uso frecuente.

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SKU: CONH17B04C05 Categorías: ,


Código: CONH17B04C05

Duración: 60 horas.


Unit 1. What do you normally do?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Daily Routines
  4. Grammar. Presente simple en su forma afirmativa y negativa
  5. Listening

5.1 Listening 1: Celebrations

5.2 Listening 2: Wonderful Places

  1. Writing
  2. Speaking

7.1 Pronunciation

7.2 Situation

Key ideas


Unit 2. What do you do?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Professions
  4. Grammar. Presente simple en su forma negativa e interrogativa
  5. Listening

5.1 Listening 1: A Tour Guide

5.2 Listening 2: A Bad Day

  1. Writing
  2. Speaking

7.1 Pronunciation

7.2 Situation

Key ideas


Unit 3. A friendly family

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Family, Words related to family, Words, expressions and phrases for friendship and


  1. Grammar. El Genitivo Sajón, Adjetivos descriptivos
  2. Listening

5.1 Listening 1

5.2 Listening 2

  1. Writing
  2. Speaking

7.1 Pronunciation

7.2 Situation

Key ideas


Unit 4. What? Who? When?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Question Words
  4. Grammar. Orden de las partículas interrogativas
  5. Listening

5.1 Listening 1: The colors

5.2 Listening 2: A message to a friend

  1. Writing
  2. Speaking

7.1 Pronunciation

7.2 Situation

Key ideas


Unit 5. When was it?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Telling Time
  4. Grammar. Preposiciones de tiempo y lugar
  5. Listening

5.1 Listening 1: First teachers

5.2 Listening 2: Childhood memories

  1. Writing
  2. Speaking

7.1 Pronunciation

7.2 Situation

Key ideas


Unit 6. Sports to be healthy!

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Sports
  4. Grammar. Adverbios de frecuencia y las colocaciones con do, play and go
  5. Listening

5.1 Listening 1: Working in a team

5.2 Listening 2: Busy life

  1. Writing
  2. Speaking

7.1 Pronunciation

7.2 Situation

Key ideas