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Inglés B2 (1ª Parte)

Número de horas: 150

Este curso necesita un tiempo aproximado de una semana para su activación en la plataforma. Consulte con el departamento de materiales para fijar la fecha de inicio.

Capacitar al alumnado para utilizar el idioma con soltura y eficacia en situaciones habituales que requieran comprender, producir y tratar textos orales y escritos complejos, en una variedad de lengua estándar, con un repertorio léxico amplio y que versen sobre temas generales, actuales o propios del campo de especialización del hablante.

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SKU: CONH17B02C01 Categorías: ,


1. As pale as a ghost
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Illness
4. Grammar
 4.1. Present simple v present continuous.
5. Listenin
6. Writing
 6.1. Discursive essay: sick and tired
7. Speaking
 7.1. /k/
8. Key ideas Unit
2. Night dream
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Sleep
4. Grammar
 4.1. (be/get) used to
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Report: sleep patterns in our society
7. Speaking
 7.1. voiced vowels
8. Key ideas Unit
3. Book worm
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. books/Reading
4. Grammar
 4.1. Past Perfect Simple v Past Perfect Continuou s
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. recommendation letter
7. Speaking
 7.1. / /d/ /ed/
8. Key ideas Unit
4. Where am I?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. confusing adverbs
4. Grammar
 4.1. Adverbs and adverbial phrases
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. informal letter/email
7. Speaking
 7.1. word stress
8. Key ideas. Unit
5. Online shopping
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. fashion
4. Grammar
 4.1. Agreement and disagreement
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. article
7. Speaking
 7.1. dipthongs
8. Key ideas. Unit
6. Honeymoon
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. celebrations
4. Grammar
 4.1. Narrative tenses
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Descriptive essay: festivity in your town
7. Speaking
 7.1. linking words
8. Key ideas. Unit
7. Farm time
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. town and country
4. Grammar
 4.1. Conditionals
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. comparing
7. Speaking
 7.1. glottalization
8. Key ideas. Unit
8. Wishes
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. fame and celebrity
4. Grammar
 4.1. Wish
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Article
7. Speaking
 7.1. unvoiced vowels: schwa
8. Key ideas Unit
9. I feel Good
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. character and emotions
4. Grammar
 4.1. Future Perfect
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Formal letter/email
7. Speaking
8. Key ideas. Unit
10. Lingua franca
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
 3.1. Language & communication
4. Grammar
 4.1. Future Perfect Continuous
5. Listening
6. Writing
 6.1. Report
7. Speaking
 7.1. /3/ /S/
8. Key ideas.